Todd “Fritz” Schneider

Anthony Todd Schneider, known as “Fritz” to most at Green White, is a litigator and Managing Attorney at The Law Offices of Capuani & Schneider. He was elected to the Green White Executive Board and became Editor of the Newsletter in the mid-2000s, where his dry wit and sharp pen made the Green White Newsletter a fan favorite. He has been an integral part of the success of the alte herren teams that have won so many trophies and tournaments in the last decade, but particularly delights in the cultural heritage of the club, finding his own family history in align with the backgrounds of so many of the club’s founders. Fritz enjoys seeing all the young, fresh faces wearing the Green White colors and looks forward to another 60 years of Green White growth and success. But more than anything, he is most proud to be the husband of his wife Kathryn and father to his children, Allison and Jack.