Rick Kaempfer

In addition to being the editor-in-chief of Just One Bad Century (justonebadcentury.com), Rick Kaempfer is the co-founder and publisher of Eckhartz Press, a boutique Chicago publishing company dedicated to serving the brave new 21st century publishing world. Rick is also the author of four Eckhartz Press releases himself, Father Knows Nothing, Records Truly Is My Middle Name (with John Records Landecker), The Living Wills (with Brendan Sullivan), and now everycubever. In addition, he has been twice published by New York publishers (including a novel $everance and a how-to-book about radio called The Radio Producer’s Handbook) . Before founding Eckhartz Press in 2011, Rick was also a member of the Chicago media for more than twenty years as the executive producer of two Hall of Fame radio shows (Steve Dahl & Garry Meier and John Records Landecker), and still covers the industry as the media critic for the Illinois Entertainer. Rick and co-publisher David Stern host a weekly podcast on the Radio Misfits Podcast Network called Minutia Men. One of their frequent topics of conversation is the Chicago Cubs.