Patricia Motto
Patricia Motto’s first published work came in the Byford Booster
when, at the age of six, she wowed her teacher with two complete
correctly punctuated sentences. Since then she has at various times
taught composition at the college level, made sort of a living as a
freelance writer and, because she became fond of nice meals out,
graduated from law school and became an attorney specializing in
sexual harassment.
Her one act play,“The Cousins’ Book Club,” won major
awards at the Watermelon One Act Festival in Maryland and has
been produced by the Open Door Playhouse in Los Angeles and
The Springline Radio Players in Oxford, England. Another of her
works, “The Best Friends’ Rule” was selected for production at the
Dubuque Arts One Act Play Festival. Her plays have also been
featured at The Arizona Women’s Theatre.
Patricia lives happily with her shelter dog, Fosse, in Elmhurst,
Illinois where she also choreographs for, and dances with, The Tree
Town Tappers.