Joe Novak

JJ Novak is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Illinois, with 35 years of experience working in hospital systems, outpatient private practice, and as a consultant to industries. He has spent his adult life working with children, adolescents, adults and families affected by mental health challenges. JJ Novak is keenly aware of the public and private stigma of mental illness, and the impact mental illness has on the physical and mental well-being of individuals. He is proud to be a staunch advocate for promoting mental health as an essential part of overall wellness for individuals, local communities and society at large. This is his first journey into writing a book. Meta-Stories began as a few metaphor stories 20-plus summers ago, when he was overseeing a hospital-based summer program for children and teens. The manuscript for this book was cultivated by JJ Novak over the course of his spare time, when not helping others under his care and supervision. JJ Novak lives in the Chicagoland area with his wife, Judi, of 41 years. He has a young adult son Michael, who lives in Chicago, and is pursuing his own dreams as an entrepreneur.