Rick Kaempfer is the co-founder and publisher of Eckhartz Press (www.eckhartzpress.com), a boutique Chicago publishing company dedicated to serving the brave new 21st century publishing world. Rick is also the author of The Loop Files, Back in the DDR, Father Knows Nothing, $everance, Records Truly Is My Middle Name (with John Records Landecker), The Living Wills (with Brendan Sullivan), The Radio Producer’s Handbook (with John Swanson) and all seven editions of everycubever. Before founding Eckhartz Press in 2011, Rick was a member of the Chicago media for more than twenty years as the executive producer of two Hall of Fame radio shows (Steve Dahl &... Read More
EveryCubEver–7th Edition (2025)
A book about every single player who ever played for the Chicago Cubs between the beginning of the 1871 season and the end of the 2024 season (their managers, broadcasters, and owners too).
The Updated 7th Edition has over 500 new entries and more than 200 new photographs. This is the last update until the Cubs win the World Series again, so it’s the perfect evergreen addition to your bookshelf.
What will you find in the pages of EveryCubEver?
*Mini-bios of every player who ever wore the uniform between 1871-2023 plus bonus bios of Cubs managers, owners, broadcasters and more.
*Stories about Cubs who served in every war since the Civil War.
*Notes about players who were wearing the Cubs uniform on days of historical significance.
*Stories of Cubs who achieved greatness and heroism off the field, including those who became movie stars, titans of industry, life savers, and even a few who served in political office.
*Stories of those who received unwanted notoriety, including shooting victims, murderers, kidnappers, racists, burglars, thieves, and political criminals.
*Tragic tales, uplifting tales, and hilarious baseball stories.
*Spotlights on everyone from Hall of Famers to the guys who made it to the big leagues for just one cup of coffee.
Compiled over the last decade and a half, this is the most Cubrehensive look ever at the men who wore Cubbie Blue. Author Rick Kaempfer has been a Cubs fan since 1968 and has seen hundreds of games at Wrigley Field, but has lived an otherwise normal and relatively defensible life.