2021 marks our tenth year as a publisher, and every month we’ll be dipping into the archives to celebrate that anniversary. May has typically been a busy month at Eckhartz Press. For instance, check out some of these May moments from our authors Ken Korber, Roger Badesch, Tom Weinberg, Rick Kaempfer, Bob Shannon, Pat Colander, John Landecker, Randy Richardson, and Chuck Quinzio.
2020 was a very difficult year in the publishing business, but Eckhartz Press author Ken Korber addressed the number one issue on everyone’s minds, when he released his children’s book about COVID on May 1st, Grace Fights COVID-19. Here’s Ken with Eckhartz Press publishers Rick Kaempfer and David Stern with the oversized promotional cover…

Another book released in May of 2020 was the great memoir by WGN Radio newsman Roger Badesch, The Unplanned Life. He was interviewed by the EP blog about the reaction to his book, and here’s a short excerpt from that interview…

“Well, my wife says I was a royal troublemaker as a kid – and she’s already known most of my exploits from back then. A few readers have commented that they feel like I’m right there sharing stories with them – and I’ve heard that before when I’d tell stories during my air shifts on WGN Radio with Rick Kogan, Brian Noonan, Matt Bubala and Dave Plier, amongst others. One close friend, whom I’ve known for about 30 years, called me an ‘f-ing dork’ when she read how Bridget and I first met in Bloomington/Normal IL. And she meant that in the most loving way possible. That was awesome!”
Read the entire interview here.

In May of 2018, Eckhartz Press author Tom Weinberg was asked to appear on Chicago Tonight (WTTW-Channel 11) in Chicago to discuss his incredible book Chasing the Lost City…
Click here to watch the interview: https://www.pbs.org/video/quest-lost-city-leads-chicago-man-jungle-expedition-kjz09d/

In May of 2019, Rick Kaempfer was making the rounds promoting the first edition of his book EveryCubEver. One of the stops, naturally, was Wrigley Field, and one of the eager readers was the owner of the Cubs, Tom Ricketts. Later in the month Rick discussed the book with life-long Cub fan/political pundit George Will…

In May of 2017, Radio programming guru Bob Shannon drove down from his home in Minnesota to sign a contract with Eckhartz Press for his book, Turn it Up. It was a memorable day in the news. It was the day that Donald Trump fired James Comey. The scroll was running on CNN over the bar…

In May of 2016, Pat Colander appeared on Rick Kogan’s show on WGN Radio to promote her award winning (CWA Book of the Year) Hugh Hefner’s First Funeral. Pat and Rick had known each other for nearly four decades and the interview was warm and friendly…

In 2015, John Landecker was making the rounds promoting his book Records Truly Is My Middle Name. His celebrity actress daughter Amy came to town to help, and they were everywhere, including WGN-TV…

In May of 2018, Randy Richardson was out promoting the first edition of his book Cubsessions (co-written by Becky Sarwate-Maxwell). One of the more memorable events was his signing at the legendary Billy Goat Tavern. Among the attendees, former Cubs ballgirl Kathy Wolter, Ronnie Woo-Woo, and the Shawon-O-Meter man himself, Dave Cilha.

In May of 2014, Eckhartz Press author Chuck Quinzio (Life Behind the Camera) found a surprising ally in his book publicity…

In May of 2015, Rick Kaempfer was promoting his book Father Knows Nothing, a collection of his nearly decade-long humor column for various different publications. The book caught the eye of esteemed behavioral specialist Dr. Marcie Beigel. She interviewed him for her website (a verrry early version of Zoom interviews)…
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