Today’s clip is the first moment that John’s father realized that John was actually a success (despite the fact that he didn’t get his college degree). This aired nationally on NPR, and locally in Ann Arbor on the NPR station there.
In the book “Records Truly Is My Middle Name”, John explains that all of his father’s professor friends heard this segment, and inundated professor Werner Landecker will calls of praise and support. After that, Werner looked at John’s career choice a little differently. The clip, by the way, features a classic Boogie Check…
Many thanks to Scott Simon and NPR for giving us the permission to post that.
If that didn’t make it on the CD, what did? Only some of the most memorable interviews, bits, and songs of Landecker’s career. You can see the track list below…

“Records Truly Is My Middle Name (The Soundtrack)” is available right here at Eckhartz Press. It’s being sold as a fundraiser for The Chicago Lighthouse, which does great work for visually impaired and blind people. John’s father was blind, so it’s a charity he deeply believes in and supports.
And by the way, the CD is a perfect stocking stuffer for the Landecker fan in your family, and it’s only $11.99.
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