This book is about former Chicago radio reporter, Janet Sutherland who had been taking four aspirin four months straight in 2004, while working at a Columbus, Ohio radio station as an advertising sales rep. Sutherland left work early to walk her dog Bogie after a grueling day knocking door to door selling radio ads and was struck with the worst headache of her life. Sutherland suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. One in 50 people currently have a brain aneurysm and do not know it. Sutherland miraculously recovered and felt her story would save lives and provide hope to survivors. NOSE OVER TOES tells the story her recovery and includes research from The Brain Aneurysm Foundation.
That day, March 22, 2004, friends and family sat at Janet’s bedside, she was given 3 percent chance to live. For weeks her co-workers raised money for her family, joined her battle, and prayed she would survive. After spending years in rehabilitation, Sutherland wrote two bills to promote the disease around the Midwest, she now speaks regularly on Chicago radio stations and on TV about her brain aneurysm experience.
I was truly captivated by Janet’s story…from front to finish! I laughed out loud and even welled up with tears as I read page by page of her journey. Janet is a survivor in every sense of the word. When anyone else (including myself!) would have given up, Janet persevered. Whether it was through the help of her parents, her beloved dogs, her friends or her co-workers, Janet’s journey is one everyone should know about. She makes me “stop and smell the roses” at the end of every chapter! As a friend and former co-worker, I have always looked up to Janet, but now I truly admire her courage, her strength and her humor.
–Andrea Darlas, WGN-Radio
It’s a truly inspiring story. The book is officially being released on March 22 (the 15th anniversary of her aneurysm), but we are taking pre-orders beginning today. Click here to reserve your copy.
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