JJ Novak is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Illinois, with 35 years of experience working in hospital systems, outpatient private practice, and as a consultant to industries. He has spent his adult life working with children, adolescents, adults and families affected by mental health challenges. JJ Novak is keenly aware of the public and private stigma of mental illness, and the impact mental illness has on the physical and mental well-being of individuals. He is proud to be a staunch advocate for promoting mental health as an essential part of overall wellness for individuals, local communities and society at large.... Read More
Meta Stories
Books will ship in April
Storytelling is part of the fabric of our daily lives. Stories create opportunities to debate, question, inspire, wonder and relate. Meta-Stories I is a series of 18 allegories about life experiences, challenges and human resilience. The main characters include humans, animals and natural objects. Readers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in each story, reflect on inner meanings, and ponder how these stories resonate with them and their own life journey. The 18 stories are meant for all ages, and the author encourages the reader to share the stories with friends, family members, and those they connect with.
Storytelling is part of the fabric of our daily lives. Stories create opportunities to debate, question, inspire, wonder and relate. Meta-Stories I is a series of 18 allegories about life experiences, challenges and human resilience. The main characters include humans, animals and natural objects. Readers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in each story, reflect on inner meanings, and ponder how these stories resonate with them and their own life journey. The 18 stories are meant for all ages, and the author encourages the reader to share the stories with friends, family members, and those they connect with.