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What will you find in the pages of EveryCubEver? For starters, answers to the following 163 questions. Needless to say, there’s much much more….
*Which Cubs players saved lives during the famous Iroquois Theater Fire?
*Which Cub became the most famous evangelist of his time?
*How many father-son teams played for the Cubs? How many brothers?
*Which Cub was born during the John Tyler administration?
*Which two Cubs were Civil War veterans?
*Which Cub’s career lasted exactly one pitch, and that pitch hit him in the head?
*Which Cub coached a future president and created the most popular baseball board game of all time?
*Which Cub was acquired just to vindictively ruin his career?
*Which Cub instituted the color-line, barring Black players from MLB?
*Which Cubs owner was a major player in President Harding’s Teapot Dome scandal?
*Which Cubs were named after Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Cleveland, and Coolidge?
*Who was the first Cubs player to bat in the National League?
*Which Cubs player was also a Harlem Globetrotter?
*Which Cubs player was MLB’s first Puerto Rican?
*Which Cub released an album of himself singing Broadway tunes?
*Which Cub got punched in the face by Billy Martin?
*Which Cub became a Hollywood stuntman?
*Which Cub once had an 0 for 70 slump?
*Which Cub invented the curveball? Or the spitball?
*Which Cub designed the modern helmet after getting hit in the face?
*Which Cub brought baseball to the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin?
*Which Cub hit a walk-off homer to win the World Series (for another team of course)?
*Which Cub was fired during spring training for (correctly) noting that the team wasn’t very good?
*Which Cub was beaned so many times that a young Ernest Hemingway noted it was hard to watch him bat?
*Which Cub is the only player in Cubs history born in the same town as Elvis Presley?
*Which Cub became a famous television and movie actor?
*Which Cub was ambidextrous and pitched both right-handed and left-handed?
*Which Cub fought in the Spanish-American War with Teddy Roosevelt?
*Which legendary Hall of Famer was offered to the Cubs first, and they said no?
*Which Cub was on the mound on July 4, 1900, when a thousand Cub fans shot their pistols in the air to celebrate?
*Which Cub Hall of Famer was considered a fancy-lad by his teammates because he used suntan powder on his face during the games?
*Which Cub was the first MLB player subjected to a drug test?
*Which Cub punched an umpire in the first inning of a game?
*Which Cub pitcher appeared in only two games before ending his career on a drinking binge?
*Which Cubs saved lives by breaking down the outfield wall with their bats during a fire at West Side Grounds?
*Which Cub became a professional cartoonist after his playing days?
*Which Cub unknowingly punched an envoy of Mayor LaGuardia?
*Which Cub did the Sporting News say had the greatest nickname of all-time?
*Which Cub became a homicide detective in one of the roughest neighborhoods of Los Angeles?
*Who is the only woman in the Cubs Hall of Fame?
*Which four Cubs were quietly banned for life (for gambling) by Commissioner Landis?
*Which Cub went to prison as a jewel thief?
*Which Cub became an NFL Hall of Famer?
*Which Cub was traded partially because he constantly beat his manager in Gin Rummy?
*Which Cubs pitcher injured his Achilles because his uniform got stuck in a zipper and it caused him to fall off the mound?
*Which Cubs pitcher was injured doing handstands in the outfield?
*Which Cubs player injured his back pulling his daughter out of her car seat?
*Which Cubs player couldn’t play because his eyelid was stuck open?
*Which Cubs pitcher hurt his hand on his La-Z-Boy chair?
*Which Cubs pitcher threw at Jackie Robinson’s head in his first game against the Cubs?
*Which long-time Cubs double-play combination didn’t speak to each other for years because of a dispute about a taxi?
*Which Cubs owner hired an Evil Eye to sit behind Homeplate and put the whammy on opposing pitchers?
*Which Cubs pitcher swallowed toads to get a little more hop on his fastball?
*Which Cub hit the first homer in National League history?
*Which Cub catcher caught the first four no-hitters in franchise history?
*Which Cub was also drafted by the Chicago Bears?
*Which Cub inspired the Tom Hanks character in A League of Their Own?
*Which Cub inspired the book and film The Natural?
*Which Cub thought it would be fun to have a pet Bear cub as a pet?
*Which Cub participated in the landing at D-Day as a landing-craft material officer?
*Which Cub pitcher hit 39 batters in one season?
*Which Cub manager was fired for reading a novel in the dugout during a game?
*Which Cub was discovered playing for the Italian National Team?
*Which two Cubs shortstops had wives who were professional soccer superstars?
*Which Cub was kicked out of the National League for attacking the team’s traveling secretary?
*Which Cubs player retired in the prime of his career to become a writer?
*Which Cubs player was shot and killed by a policeman during an attempted lynching?
*Which Cub was killed by a lightning strike?
*Which Cub was known as “Piano Legs”?
*Which Cub was known as Little Eva because he was such a good dancer?
*Which Cub became the owner of the Washington Senators?
*Which Cub was the last legal spitball pitcher in the big leagues?
*Which Cub had his ashes spread at Wrigley Field?
*Which Cub is currently serving a 45-year prison sentence?
*Which Cub retired mid-season because of “inflammation of the bowels”?
*Which Cub’s wife was a contestant on Survivor?
*Which Cub was nicknamed “Bubbles” because of his stutter?
*Which U.S. president had a brother who co-owned the Cubs?
*Which pitcher started the first game ever at Wrigley Field (as a Chi-Fed) and the first Cubs game ever at Wrigley as a Cub?
*Which Cub once doubled into a double play when he was the third player to arrive at third base?
*Which Cubs Hall of Famer was traded by a Cubs GM while he was trying to get the Dodgers GM drunk?
*Which Cub was stabbed three times by a Cubs fan during a drunken melee?
*Which three Cubs outfielders all hit two homers in the same game?
*Which Cubs player became an umpire and was banned for life for fixing games?
*Which Cub player retired at the height of his career on the day President Harding died?
*Which Cubs Hall of Famer caused the commissioner of baseball to send letters to everyone on the Cubs warning them not to lend him money?
*Which Cub died in a plane crash after learning to fly to overcome his fear of flying?
*Which Cubs president founded the National League and became NL President?
*Which Cub also played in Nolan Ryan’s 7th no-hitter and Cal Ripken’s record setting consecutive game?
*Which Cub pitcher once had 67 complete games in a season?
*Which Cub saved a man’s life at the Stockyards?
*Which Cub was hit by a bus and killed?
*Which “super freak” did the Cubs draft in the first round of the very first amateur draft in 1965?
*What was the name of the Cubs first and only live mascot and why?
*Which Cubs player was one of the inspirations for the musical “Chicago”?
*Which Cub used to cheat by running across the diamond from first to third when the ump wasn’t looking?
*Which Cub became one of the greatest college baseball coaches of all-time and was inducted into the American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame?
*Which Cub slugger once threw a bucket of ice water on a reporter’s head?
*Which Cub was nicknamed The Clouting Kraut?
*Which Cub was nicknamed The Jew?
*Which Cub was a genuine Korean War hero?
*Which Cub was treated so badly by his teammates that it helped inspire Babe Ruth’s called shot?
*Which former Cub became a Cubs scout and passed on Ted Williams calling him “too fragile”?
*Which Cub is the son of former Hollywood Squares host Peter Marshall?
*Which Cub scored the winning run as a pinch runner in his only game as a Cub?
*Which Cubs owner founded the ad agency that became Foote, Cone and Belding?
*What Cubs pitcher was on the mound the last time John Dillinger attended a game at Wrigley?
*What former Cub and future Cub were involved in MLB’s cocaine scandal in the early 80s?
*Who is the only Cubs player ever born on Leap Day?
*What was the name of the secret “dark liniment” that Cubs trainer Andy Lotshaw used to treat pitcher Guy Bush’s arm?
*Which Cubs player was a childhood star in the silent movie era?
*Which Cubs player was known as The Human Icicle and why?
*Which Cubs player was the college roommate of basketball star Rudy Tomjanovich?
*Which NFL Hall of Famer had a Dad who played for the Cubs? Which future NFL Hall of Famer had a Dad who played for the Cubs?
*Which Cub used to trap pigeons and leave them in his roommate’s bed?
*Which Cubs manager ran through the team’s train car throwing the contents of his spittoon on his players?
*Which Cub went 2736 at bats without hitting a home run?
*Which former Cubs catcher was shot dead by a bartender?
*Which Cub was nicknamed “Boner” or “Bonehead” and why?
*Which former Cub’s career ended when he accidentally sawed off the tips of four fingers with a table saw?
*Which Cubs player used to entertain his teammates by bending iron bars?
*Which Cub died of a bloody nose?
*Which two Cubs infielders completed unassisted triple plays?
*Who is the only Cubs player named in Steve Goodman’s “A Dying Cub Fan’s Last Request”?
*Who were the three Cubs announcers in 2024 that formed the first-ever all-female announcing team in Cubs history?
*Which Cub is the only player in baseball to accumulate 3000 hits in the 19th century?
*Which Cub pitcher was once traded for himself, and how in the world did that happen?
*Which Cub was a harmonica player, a carnival strongman, and a male stripper before joining the Cubs?
*Which future Cubs manager was the umpire in the famous Merkle boner game in 1908?
*Did Jimmy Stewart once play for the Cubs?
*What Cub founded a baseball academy that later trained Michael Jordan to play baseball?
*What were the names of the two brothers who both played for the Cubs and toured as professional musicians?
*What Cubs outfielder used to hide joints in the ivy so he could smoke them after the games?
*What Cub pitcher injured his hand when he got it stuck in a bowling ball?
*Six presidents have watched the Cubs play live while they were presidents. Which ones?
*What president got his career break broadcasting games for the Cubs?
*What Cub hit three home runs the first game Hillary Clinton attended as the First Lady?
*How many games did Babe Ruth play at Wrigley Field?
*Who did the Cubs promote from Concessions Manager to General Manager in 1976?
*On the day Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, which Cub hit a game winning homer against the Phillies?
*Which Cub once stole first base (from second) so that he could steal second base again?
*Which Cub player did Ty Cobb call “One of the all-time greats”?
*Which Cub was arrested for kidnapping and was given seven years of probation?
*Which Cubs player played the National Anthem on his trumpet, and which one sang it while wearing a Cubs uniform?
*Which Cubs Hall of Famer became a sporting goods magnate?
*Which Cub’s taunting led to the entire dugout bench being thrown out of a 1935 World Series game?
*Who was the just-as-good third baseman in the Tinker-Evers-Chance infield?
*Which Cubs pitcher wrote a children’s book published by Simon & Shuster?
*Which former Cub went on to manage the 1979 Pirates to the World Series championship?
*Which Cub became a Congressman and Governor of Pennsylvania, and then also the president of the National League?
*Which Cub became a millionaire businessman after his playing career, but lost it all in the 1929 stock market crash?
*Which Cubs pitcher spent time in prison for larceny, safecracking, and murdering a cop before and after his one day Cubs career?
*What future Supreme Court justice and future President attended the Babe Ruth called shot game at Wrigley?
*Which Cubs pitcher worked as an alligator wrestler in the off-season?
*What business expertise did Cubs president William Walker bring to the job?
*How many times did the Cubs win the National League when they were named the White Stockings?
*Which Cubs player charged into the Reds dugout to punch someone instead of running out a single?
*Which Cubs pitcher pitched 18 1/3 innings of relief in one game?
*Which Cubs infielder threw a bottle of ammonia in a teammates face and temporarily blinded him?
*Which Cubs player went to work for mobster Dutch Schultz after his playing career?
*Who is the last Cub listed in the Baseball Encyclopedia?
Pre-Order Your Copy Today! It ships in April.
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